5 Benefits of having Professional Photos for Selling Real Estate

5 Benefits of having Professional Photos for Selling Real Estate

5 Benefits to professional real estate photography:

  1. Listings that have professional photographs sell faster on the market. 

Professional photographs can make realtors or sellers listings sell 32% faster than listings with low quality or even average photographs. To add to this, statistics say that a listing with only one photograph spends, on average, 70 days on the market, whereas a home with 20 photographs, spends 32 days on the market—that’s almost a quarter of the time.

  1. Listings with professional photography make more money.

Listings that include professionally photograph can sell for up to $19,000 more in premiums. $19,000 in premiums? With this kind of money, professional photography is a fantastic investment and a complete no-brainer for all realtors and all property sellers.

  1. Professional photography attracts more international buyers. 

Thanks to the internet, realtors and property sellers are able to sell real estate overseas. This said, it is more important than ever to provide visuals for international buyers. And, by marketing to international buyers, realtors and sellers can increase their profit significantly (National Association of Realtors, 2018). 

  1. Professional photography enhances credibility.

Did you know 87% of homebuyers who used the internet to find their home said that photographs were the most important feature according to the 2018 National Association of Realtors study. This means that homes shown in professional photographs give properties more credibility. 

  1. More buyers shop online first before stepping foot into an open house. 

Listings with professional photos receive 118% more online views. This means, if buyers do not like the way a listing looks online, they are less likely to visit it in person. 

Without further ado, what are you waiting for? Have your listing sell faster, make more money, appeal to international buyers, enhance your properties’ credibility and have more leads step foot into your open house. The only downside to not having real estate photography is that there is no downside! In other words, the pros outweigh the cons to the point where realtors or property sellers who are not investing in real estate photography are missing out. Especially when there are convenient and affordable real estate marketing services on the market such as Roomvu, which provides real estate marketing services at a fraction of the cost in comparison to competitors and making booking services quick, simple and painless. 

Author: Dana Wills

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